MeetingBooster API

MyMeetings: Sync

Synchronize my meetings from MeetingBooster. The client should save the synctoken between sync requests. On the first request you do not specify a token.
After a sync you should do a SyncCommit to confirm the chagens has been made on the client.

HTTP request

GET ../api/v1/mymeetings/sync


Parameter name Value Description
Optional parameters
properties String Comma separated list of the meeting properties that will be part of the synchronization. If one of the properties changes the meeting will be included in the response as modified.

These meeting properties are available: Title,Start,End,Invitations,SendInvitations

If the properties parameter is not speficied all properties will be used by default.
synctoken String The synctoken from a previous request. On first request, the synctoken is not specified

Request Body

Do not supply a request body with this http request


A synchronization object containing all the meetings changes since the last syncrhonization. Save the returned SyncToken client side to be used in next Sync request. Note Callendar changes are not returned from MeettingBooster since the calendar cannot be changed from within MeetingBooster. The calendar is for conflict checking only.