MeetingBooster API

Authorize: OAuth

Oauth authrorization request. The grant_type decide what the request will do.

password You must specify the grant_type, username and password parameters. You will get a JSOAuthResponse with the refresh and access token. Use this as you first request.

refresh_token You must specify the grant_type and refresh_token. You will get a JSOAuthResponse with the refresh and access token. Use this when the access token has expired.

signout You must specify the grant_type and refresh_token. Use this to signout and make the refresh token invalid.

When the request fails the reponse will be a JSOAuthError

HTTP request

POST ../oauth


Parameter name Value Description
app_id String The app_id parameter must always be set to "Api"
grant_type String password,refresh_token,signout
password String The password of the user
refresh_token String The refresh token to use to get a new access token
username String The email of the user. (If using AD the domain user name can be used)

Request Body

The request should include the parameters in the request body and the parameters should be application/x-www-form-urlencoded
