MeetingBooster API


This object is used by the SyncCommit request to add,mofidy or delete calendar entries. Note: A deleted calendar entry may actually refer to a meeting. If this is the case the meeting will be deleted.
Property name Value Description
CalendarEntry JSCalendarEntry The related calendar entry to add, modify or delete.
ClientSyncId String A unique id assigned by the client. The client can use this id to locate the object client side. This should be set when doing a SyncCommit
LastModified DateTime This is the time when the object was last modified client side. This should be set when doing a SyncCommit
State JSSyncState The sync state NEW,MODIFIED or DELETED
JSON example:
	"State" : "NEW",
	"LastModified" : "2017-05-207T11:00:00Z"
	"ClientSyncId" : "D585EAC9-86FE-42C3-89F2-9B5C0E721719"
	"CalendarEntry" : {
		"Start" : "2017-05-247T09:00:00Z",
		"End" : "2017-05-24T17:00:00Z"