MeetingBooster API


A calendar recurrence used for conflict checking. Set in JSMeetingSynchronization when using the SyncCommit request
Property name Value Description
ClientSyncId String A unique id assigned by the client. The client can use this id to locate the object client side. This should be set when doing a SyncCommit
LastModified DateTime This is the time when the object was last modified client side. This should be set when doing a SyncCommit
Pattern JSRecurrencePattern The calendar recurrence pattern to synchronize.
State JSSyncState The sync state NEW,MODIFIED or DELETED
JSON Example
	"State" : "NEW",
	"ClientSyncId" :"19E8DF21-5E85-411C-9308-9C396A10B900",
	"LastModified" : "2017-05-17T08:21:10Z",
	"Pattern" : JSRecurrencePattern