MeetingBooster API


A MeetingBooster task. The main propreties a Id, Creator and an Assignee, the Subject and the DueDate.
Property name Value Description
Assignee JSUserUI The user assigned to this task.
ClosedDate DateTime The date when the task was closed.
CompletionPercentage Integer Completion in percentage 0-100. When the task is done this is 100
CreatedDate DateTime The date when the task was created.
Creator JSUserUI The user that created the task.
Description String The task description. The is HTML. Note: The HTML is limited to a white list so it cannot contain scripts, links or other stuff that can be a security risk.
DueDate DateTime If the task has no due date this is null or not present.
Id String The Unique id of the object. Objects will have a guid as id. Objects created in MeetingBooster before the API was introduced may have an integer as id. When you create a new object you should always give it a guid.
LastModified DateTime Set to current time when the task is modified.
Meeting JSMeetingUI If the task is associated with a meeting this is set.
MeetingTitle String Get the meeting title if task is associated with a meeting. This is to help with hash generation. Setting this property can override if the meeting is null. Makes is easier for client that only handle the meeting title, and have not actual meeting data.
Priority Integer Task priority 1-3 (1=high, 2=normal, 3=low)
Projects JSProjectUI[] A list of the projects where this task is included
ProjectsString String Get a comma seperated list of project names. This is to help with hash generation. Setting this property can override if the projects is null. Makes is easier for client that only handle the project names list, and have not actual project data.
Subject String The task subject
Viewers JSUserUI[] Users that have been assigned explicitly as viewers for the thask
ViewersString String Get a comma seperated list of viewer names.
JSON example:
	"Id" : "B11853D1-17E7-47DB-9B6B-6BCF04E38BE8",
	"Assignee" : JSUserUI,
	"DueDate" : "2017-05-17T08:21:10Z",
	"Subject" : "Remember to buy beer for birthday party"
	"CompletionPercentage" : 0,
	"Priority" : 1,
	"Creator" : JSUserUI,
	"Description" : "",