MeetingBooster API

MyTasks: SyncCommit

Commit synchronization changes to MeetingBooster. Changes made by the client as part of a synchronization should be commited to MeetingBooster using this request. Changes commited will not be retuned at next synchronzation. Before using this request you should do a Sync request to get a SyncToken.

HTTP request

POST ../api/v1/mytasks/synccommit


Parameter name Value Description
Optional parameters
allowoverwriteold If set to true, you force and update event if the data has changes since you got the sync token. If set to false (the default) the commit will fail if yu try to overwrite data that has changed.

Request Body

The changes to commit to MeetingBoster. Remember to set the Synctoken from the last Sync request


If any of the objects you have commiting has changed since the Sync, the SyncCmmit will fail, and you will have to do a new Sync/SyncCommit